Lack of Leadership
Throughout the COVID pandemic, my thoughts about politicians, scientists, and teachers have evolved. I’ve mentioned before that in 2019 a little teriyaki restaurant I enjoy had a fire that forced the owners to close for repairs. Just when they were ready to reopen, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee shut them down. They were non-essential in the age of COVID-19. However, the nearby liquor store remained open. In Nevada, churches were closed, but casinos remained open.
For over a year, parks and beaches remained closed because they were non-essential. In Washington State, Governor Inslee told us to maintain social distance even as people crowded into Home Depot and other big-box stores. He also closed churches. Any gathering, even those as small as five people were prohibited. However, the local Planned Parenthood clinic remained open. According to the governor, that was essential.
My thoughts exactly
Around the world, mandates were issued requiring masks be worn. Politicians and scientists encouraged double masking. Student-athletes competed wearing masks while politicians and celebrities openly flaunted the rules. In this country and Canada, the police enforced the lockdowns. In Canada, police erected fences around some churches to keep congregates out. Meanwhile, unmasked rioters failed to maintain social distancing as they burned and looted unhindered in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., and other major cities. The politicians didn’t maintain the lockdowns or even law and order. Then they told us that defunding the police was a good idea.
Thankfully, the owners of my favorite teriyaki shop survived, but the lockdowns destroyed many family businesses.
The drug companies and FDA withholds much of the research on the COVID vaccines from public scrutiny, while Congress grants the companies immunity from lawsuits. Meanwhile, our leaders proclaimed we must be vaccinated to end the pandemic. I believe in vaccines so, I received both primary shots. Later, the scientists and politicians said even those who are vaccinated must continue to wear a mask, they could still contract and spread COVID. I wondered about the point of the vaccine if I could still get the disease and spread it.
However, when our leaders recommended a booster shot I took it but, that is the last COVID shot I’ll take. I’ve also stopped wearing a mask. Fortunately, I live in a conservative county. Most people defy our liberal governor and have joined me in abandoning masks. If a business insists on patrons wearing one, I leave and don’t return.
Gradually, the lockdowns have eased. Churches and businesses opened. Most schools opened, but for many children, the mask mandates remain. While saying they support the children, many school boards and teachers have resisted opening schools and fought for continued masking. One good thing that occurred during the pandemic is that parents saw the school curriculum via Zoom. This insight brought to light the teaching of Critical Race Theory. The revolt of parents and the resulting recall elections have been inspiring.
Before the pandemic, I trusted most scientists and classroom teachers. I even trusted many politicians. I’ve learned not to be so trusting. I don’t know if I’m as cynical as the author of the sign pictured here, but I’m growing closer every day.
What do you think? Were the lockdowns effective in slowing the spread of COVID? Should churches have been locked down? Are the vaccines useful? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.