Opinion, Economics, Tech Kyle Pratt Opinion, Economics, Tech Kyle Pratt

Who is Watching?

What if the government decided you should only drink two beers a week or that you shouldn’t own a rifle or gasoline-powered car? All of these restrictions and many more have been proposed or enacted, but how could the government enforce them? They could make them illegal, but prohibition and the war on drugs prove that some people would ignore the law. What if the government could make money not work if someone tried to buy a prohibited item? The book of Revelation talks about a time when no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. When I was young, the idea that any government could control every transaction seemed impossible to me. But today, with modern computers, digital banking, artificial intelligence, and cryptocurrency it is more than possible it’s almost here.

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Big Tech, Tech Kyle Pratt Big Tech, Tech Kyle Pratt

Moving to Alt-Tech

I’ve watched as the posts of conservatives are banned, taken down, fact-checked, or labeled as inaccurate. The wealthy big tech bullies of Facebook have refused to boost many of my posts. I’m certain Twitter has shadow banned me. Meanwhile, those labeled as woke or progressive post vile and violent rants without being censored. At some point, silence and inaction become submission.

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