B is for Brainwashed
Warning: This book review, and the attached PDF, contains inappropriate topics and images for children.
Action Tip: Be aware and informed, this book is being used in public schools and libraries to indoctrinate children.
It’s disturbing that we live at a time when parents must check the content of their children’s pre-school and kindergarten books, but as A is for Activist shows—they must. Written and illustrated by Innosanto Nagara, A is for Activist masquerades as a board book for teaching ABCs but, as it states on the back cover, the book is for “families who want their kids to grow up in a space that is unapologetic about activism, environmental justice, civil rights, LGBTQ rights, and everything else that we believe in and fight for.” Just below that on the back cover is a strong endorsement from the Occupy Wall Street organization.
The book begins with “A is for Activist,” and ends the first page by asking, “Are you an Activist?” It then continues using many common phrases heard at progressive rallies, such as the passages below.
Kyle with his copy of A is for Activist by Innosanto Nagara
“Environmental justice is the way!”
“An Injury to one Is an Injury to all.”
“We will choose the people’s way!”
On the page for D is;
“Little d democracy.
More than voting, you’ll agree.
Dictators Detest it. Donkeys Don’t get it.
But you and me? We Demand equality!”
Many adults don’t understand what little d democracy is; why would a five-year-old child? Even the concept of voting would be difficult at that age, but this book lives on big ideas no toddler could understand. Most parents would prefer their five-year-old read D is for Donkey and leave the politics out of it. Speaking of politics, on the page for N is an angry-looking child with a “No Justice, No Peace” sign.
The page for L delves into another topic I would find difficult to explain to such a young child.
Love who you choose,
‘cuz Love is true!
Liberate your notions of Limited emotions.
Celebrate with pride, our Links of devotion.”
A is for Activist masquerades as an ABC book, but it’s not. It mentions many topics that a child could not hope to comprehend and would produce young radicals who shout slogans with no real understanding. This book allows progressive parents to virtue signal. Unfortunately, a growing number of such books for progressive parents fill classrooms and libraries including M is for Movement, also by Innosanto Nagara, The Anti-Racist Kid by Tiffany Jewell, and Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi. While the titles may sound innocuous they hide the teaching of progressive ideology and Critical Race Theory.
I recommend that parents check daycare centers and classrooms for such books before allowing their children to attend.
Have you seen A is for Activist in a school or daycare center? Were the staff reading it to children? Tell us about it in the comment section below.