Writers Guide
The Conservative Alternative publishes opinion and factual posts but no fiction or poetry. Each month, we strive to publish up to five posts. Posts should interest a wide (national) audience and cover topics of lasting interest such as gun rights, school choice, censorship by big tech, or the government, etc. Link to facts not in common knowledge. If in doubt, link to it. Conclude the article with a call to action that the average reader could act upon. The ideal length of a submission is between 400-600 words. We will consider slightly shorter pieces and well-written longer posts. All posts must be original, not reprints. For grammar and format questions, use the Chicago Manual of Style.
At this time, The Conservative Alternative does not pay for articles however, authors will receive a byline. We are working to add an “Our Team” page to the platform that will include a photo and bio of authors who have had several articles published on the site. We hope you will want to be a part of that group.
The Conservative Alternative is not specifically a Christian site, but we do believe that America was founded upon Judeo-Christian principles. Therefore, if you have a Christian-related topic that has conservative appeal, please submit it. Such topics might include a review of a book exploring the religious beliefs of the Founders, or a movie with pro-life and/or pro-family plot lines. Check out Renewal at Easter and Hallelujah on the blog.
Submissions should be sent to kyle@altconservative.com. Include your article in the body of your email, not as an attachment.