Don’t Tread on Me
Recently, Yahoo Movies criticized actor Chris Pratt for wearing a ‘white supremacist’ t-shirt.’ You can read the article, now cleansed of all white supremacist references, here and see the t-shirt below.
Anyone with a high school education should be familiar with the flag created by Christopher Gadsden during the Revolutionary War. It was used by the Continental Marines as an early motto flag and has a completely non-racist history.
Kyle with his Gadsden flag.
However, in this era of millennial snowflakes requiring a safe space from micro-aggressions, the original version of the article stated that “the flag has been adopted by far-right political groups like the Tea Party, as well as gun-toting supporters of the Second Amendment. According to these progressives, “It has therefore become a symbol of more conservative and far-right individuals and, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the U.S., it also is ‘sometimes interpreted to convey racially tinged messages in some contexts.’”
So Yahoo, a guardian of progressive speech has declared that Chris Pratt wore racist apparel and may, by association be a racist. This false claim reveals more about the accuser than the accused. Wearing such a shirt shows that Chris Pratt has knowledge of history and possesses at least a degree of patriotism. The author of the article and their editor appear to lack both.
If you come down the driveway to my house you’ll see two flagpoles. One always has the American flag. I have an assortment of flags that fly from the other. Being a far-right, gun-toting patriot and a supporter of the Second Amendment, I’m going to support Chris Pratt with this blogpost, seeing his movies and with my flags. Until the current media nonsense fades the Gadsden flag will ripple in the breeze atop one of the poles near my home.
What are your thoughts on this Gadsden flag issue? Let us know in the comment section below.