Osan Pride
Osan Air Force base commander, Colonel William McKibban, has authorized base personnel to wear a “pride morale patch” on their military uniforms. The colonel states “The patch represents the advancement of the Air Force’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, dignity, and respect within the mission.” The mission of the United States military is to deter war and ensure national security. The only commitment our soldiers, sailors, and marines should have is to win wars when called upon. All else is a needless distraction.
First Do No Harm
The phrase “first do no harm” isn’t in either the ancient Greek version of the Hippocratic Oath or the widely accepted current version, but perhaps it should be. The issue of harm swirls around the topic of gender dysphoria, the sense of discomfort that a person may have due to a perceived mismatch of biological sex and gender identity. As a medical term, gender dysphoria is modern and first appeared in medical literature in the 1960s or ‘70s. But since then, the medical and political debate surrounding gender dysphoria has grown. Are the doctors providing care or operating a transgender money making-machine?