Unequal Justice
You’re sure you didn’t do anything wrong. It was just a political rally. At worst you trespassed, like hundreds of others with you. However, this is a free country and the buildings belong to the people. Don’t they? Then, before dawn a few days or weeks later, the FBI arrived at your home. They broke down your front door. They handcuff you, your wife, and children. Then the FBI threw you in jail and you’ve been in solitary confinement ever since. You don’t even know what you’re charged with. That’s the country described by the documentary Capitol Punishment.
The film is directed by Christopher Burgard. The producer is Nick Searcy. Also appearing in the film are Timothy Shea, Dr. Cordie Williams, Millie Weaver, and Michael J. Del Rosso. Nick Searcy also narrates the documentary with both sarcasm and humor. Perhaps a bit too much humor for such a serious topic. Early in the documentary, we see Ashli Babbitt being interviewed as she walks outside the capitol with thousands of others. Then we see her shot to death.
This video is from Rumble because the trailer is restricted on YouTube.
Over 700 rally attendees have been arrested at their homes since the event. Many more have been handcuffed and detained. This includes a twelve-year-old girl ordered out onto the street in her pajamas after her father was arrested and cuffed. A mother demanding to see a warrant was handcuffed and arrested. Another thirteen-year-old girl was handcuffed during the raid on her home. Why would that ever be necessary? Those interviewed during the documentary often declared that they were not shown a warrant or told of any criminal charges. They were simply arrested, thrown in jail, and not permitted a phone call.
Part one of the interview of Nick Searcy by Governor Mike Huckabee.
Several people with Black Lives Matter and Antifa, including John Sullivan, are shown at the rally instigating the capitol break-in and the resulting violence. We know that undercover agents were in the crowd and encouraged violence and breaking into the capitol, this includes the alleged informer Ray Epps.
Part two of the interview of Nick Searcy by Governor Mike Huckabee.
Did high-ranking individuals within the federal government orchestrate the capitol riot? The documentary builds the case for a conspiracy using FBI informers, Antifa, BLM, and anti-Trump individuals within the federal government. If that were true, the resulting riot would have been a false flag operation probably to gain power within the federal government. Unfortunately, Capitol Punishment is an uneven film. While it shows many examples of government overreach and abuse, at times it wanders off on side topics and does no more than present a weak circumstantial case for a January 6th conspiracy.
Toward the end of the film, Aaron Babbitt, the husband of Ashli, is interviewed. He provides insights into the life and nature of his wife and speaks from personal experience on why he believes the killing of his wife was unlawful. We then see an extended version of the shooting and are left with Ashli dying on the floor surrounded by police and protesters. Shortly after that scene, the narrator asks, “What are you willing to risk to save this country?”
At a time when federal government growth is out of control, judicial activism and overreach are common, and justice is no longer blind, Capitol Punishment shines an imperfect light into the darkness. See it while you can.