A Stolen Election?
If significant ballot fraud occurred during the 2020 election a criminal investigation should be conducted and those responsible sent to jail. Did significant fraud occur? CBS News quotes unnamed election officials as saying the 2020 election was the “most secure in American history.” Is there evidence of rampant fraud and did it alter the outcome of the election? The ninety-minute documentary film 2000 Mules answers that question.
The film is produced and directed by political commentator, Dinesh D'Souza. Also appearing in the film are Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, Hans von Spakovsky of The Heritage Foundation and Dennis Prager, Sebastian Gorka, Larry Elder, Eric Metaxas, and Charlie Kirk of the Salem Media Group. Salem is also listed as the film’s executive producer and distributor. For full disclosure, this reviewer owns stock in Salem Media.
In the opening paragraph of its article on the documentary, Wikipedia uses terms like false, “faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis.” While the point of this review is not to disprove the claims of left-wing media, some refutation is needed for a proper understanding of the film.
The documentary begins by showing the vote-counting in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin and that for some reason counting halted late in the evening or early morning. If you went to bed at that time you probably thought Trump won. However, by the next morning, Trump’s lead had shrunk and continued to do so for the next few days. While I have always felt this was suspicious, it is not evidence of fraud.
Dinesh D’Souza
Most of the film centers on GPS tracking data gathered from phones. True the Vote uses the data to show individuals moving from left-leaning non-profit groups to ballot drop boxes. To ensure that this isn’t merely a coincidence True the Vote only included individuals that drove to ten or more dropboxes. This left them with at least 2000 ballot traffickers or mules.
The Washington Post states, “the imprecision of phone geolocation would make specifying that a phone was actually near a drop box (and not, say, 10 feet from it) nearly impossible.” This statement shows obvious bias. This is the same GPS data that guides your car. If the data shows a person near a dropbox and stopping, then driving to another and stopping and doing that eight more times—that is suspicious.
However, there is more evidence. Many of the ballot drop boxes had video cameras trained on them. While some were mysteriously turned off, True the Vote gathered more than four million minutes of video showing individuals stuffing multiple ballots into these boxes. Some might have large families, but it is absurd to believe they all do. Also, after two women in Yuma, Arizona, were indicted for alleged ballot harvesting during that state’s primary election many of the mules began wearing surgical gloves. Perhaps they were concerned about COVID, however many didn’t wear masks. The mules were most active in the early morning hours and the night before the election.
As the film wraps up, Dinesh D'Souza shows how President Trump could have won if the left-leaning groups and ballot traffickers had been prevented from interfering with the election. D’Souza concludes that Trump might have won with as many as 305 electoral votes compared to Biden’s 233. Was the election stolen from Trump? I don’t know. Much of the evidence provided by 2000 Mules is circumstantial, but this is a documentary film, not a court of law. All the film needed to do is present evidence and raise questions. I believe that 2000 Mules has done that and the evidence should be investigated.
Was the election of 2020 the most secure in history? Have you seen the movie 2000 Mules? What do you think? Let me know in the comment section below.
June 4, 2022
The Washington Examiner reports that 20 million people have watched the documentary 2000 Mules and “In a new Rasmussen Reports survey on the film shared with Secrets, 77% said that the movie “strengthened their conviction that there was systematic and widespread election fraud in the 2020 election.”