The Red Ripple
I’m old enough that I should know better. Many pundits declared a Republican red wave would sweep the nation on November eighth. I allowed myself to be caught up in their pre-election enthusiasm. I thought we had good candidates and that the issues were on our side. I continue to believe that defunding the police, cashless bail, and open borders are bad ideas. I felt certain that people would see that and vote in a massive way for change. More people did vote and an assortment of America First candidates did win but, more progressives were also elected.
Over the next few days, I searched for some meaning that I could take from the election. During the two years of the Biden administration, my expectations had grown. Surely, the president’s weakness of mind and liberal policies would turn citizens back to the Republican Party, if not conservative principles, in a massive sweep.
Well, that didn’t happen. I should have taken the recent Dobbs v. Jackson case as my guide. That decision overturned Roe v. Wade and returned abortion to the states. While Dobbs is a great victory for the pro-life cause it is not the final battle. As it now stands about half the states significantly restrict abortion and the other half does not. The abortion fight continues and now both sides are fired up about the issue. I need to remember that all ideological fights continue because bad ideas return and infect with the regularity of the seasonal flu.
However, conservatives can celebrate some victories from the last election. As I write, the Republicans might still eke out a majority in the Senate, the chamber where judges and executive appointments are confirmed. Also, it appears certain Republicans will control the House, where the federal budget is created. Both chambers have a growing number of conservatives.
President Ronald Reagan
Over the course of the next two years, many Republicans will try to learn from this past election. I suspect that most Democrats will fail to see the need. Such a lack of reflection will pave the way for better ideas.
So, I’m thankful for even the smallest of victories and I understand that this fight will not be won with a knockout blow or even a thousand lesser hits. In 1967, then-Governor Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” Over the course of the future, conservatives will win many battles, but we will never win the war. We must continually fight against tyrants and teach the fragility of freedom. If we don’t fight it will only take a generation or two for freedom to perish from the Earth.
What do you think about the last election? Let us know in the comment section below.