Woke Corporations
The online Cambridge dictionary defines virtue-signaling as, “indicating that one has virtue merely by expressing disgust or favour for certain political ideas or cultural happenings.” In other words, someone says what they think is right so others view them as virtuous. Politicians have done this since the dawn of time. Recently, corporate leaders have started engaging in virtue signaling or perhaps these traditionally conservative business leaders have gone woke.
On one level I don’t care. This is a free country and they can believe in and donate to whatever they wish. But, when I can, I prefer to avoid giving money to corporations just so they can turn around and donate it to liberal causes.
Recently, Dave Seminara wrote on this subject in the Wall Street Journal. In an opinion piece titled, “What I’d Give for a Shave That Isn’t Woke,” he stated, “Last summer, after I complained that my preferred coffee company had gone too far left, readers suggested I buy from Black Rifle Coffee Co. ‘They support Veterans and the coffee is very good,’ one reader wrote me.” Mr. Seminara’s idea is at the core of The Conservative Alternative—finding options.
Tux the penguin is the mascot for Linux.
After Georgia passed legislation to tighten election procedures several large corporations denounced the law. In his article, Mr. Seminara said, “Coca-Cola, Delta, Microsoft and other companies my family supports all but called the legislation racist, implying that those, like me, who support it are bigots.”
Yeah, I know the feeling.
There are plenty of alternative drinks on the market, abundant airlines to fly, and if you have some computer savvy, there is the Linux open-source operating system.
I’ll be highlighting woke corporations, and alternatives, in future posts.
Do you avoid woke corporations? Let me know in the comment section below.
Action Tip: I prefer to spend my money with conservative companies. Many corporations virtue signal but aren’t conservative. Check them out.
June 25, 2022
The Website CancelThisCompany, and others, have reported that Black Rifle Coffee has been actively distancing itself from conservatives and conservative causes. I don’t know why but they are. Click here to read the outspoken CancelThisCompany review.